Benefits of yoga on mental health
During these uncertain times, it’s important to take care of your physical, emotional and mental well-being. If you are at peace, chances are negative influences will not disturb your mind easily. Practicing yoga and mindfulness can help. Benefits of yoga include keeping your mind and body in sync, and helping you stay positive and happy....
The pandemic’s toll on mental health
COVID-19 has negatively impacted different aspects of our lives. However, a key area that’s often ignored is the pandemic’s toll on mental health. From contributing to increasing work stress and anxiety to affecting sleep quality and resulting in loss of motivation. Here’s looking at the negative impact of the pandemic on mental well-being, and what...
Pandemic pink slip: How to deal with it
The coronavirus pandemic has increasingly led to companies serving employees the pink slip to stay afloat. A job loss or job cut puts added financial stress on families that are already battling a lot of uncertainty. Deekshaa Athwani, clinical psychologist, Fortis Hospital, Mulund addresses this burning issue and also gives you a few tips to...
How your gut health affects your mental health
People say, “You are what you eat.” There seems to be some truth to this adage. This video touches upon this aspect of our physical health. Psychologist Kanika Shah of Nimai Healthcare explains how your gut health affects your mental health. She also shares that our mental health and physical health are highly interconnected. How...
Tips to help students protect their mental health during exams
The pandemic and ongoing exams are taking a toll on the mental well-being of children. Dr Kedar Tilwe, consultant psychiatrist, Fortis Hospital, shares tips to help students protect their mental health. Apart from ensuring that kids exercise daily, eat and sleep well, equal attention needs to be paid to help them cope better. Tips to...
How reading can benefit your mental well-being
Books can help you unwind, relax and open your mind to different possibilities. Hence, reading can benefit your mental well-being. It is an effective way to cope with stress as it helps you momentarily escape to another world. It also helps you focus and inspires you. Here’s looking at some of the benefits of this...
The impact of indoor gardening on our mental health
Due to the pandemic most of us are spending a lot of time at home. This has also given us an opportunity to explore our hobbies and interests. Indoor gardening has also led to a positive impact on our mental health. In this video, psychologist Kanika Shah of Nimai Healthcare lists the benefits of pursuing...
How substance abuse can take a toll on your mental health
Substance abuse can have serious ramifications on a person’s physical health, affecting almost every system in the body. It also increases the risk for the majority of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, ENT, neurological and other systemic complications. It can affect an individual’s mental well-being. Dr Kedar Tilwe, consultant psychiatrist, Fortis Hospital, Mulund and Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi...
Virtual counselling for LGBTQIA+community is vital
COVID-19 has taken a toll on the mental health of many people. However, it’s especially impacted the mental well-being of the LGBTQIA+ community. Psychiatrist Parul Tank examines the need for virtual counselling for the LGBTQIA+ community. Virtual counselling for LGBTQIA+ community is vital Many members of the LGBTQIA+ community have had no access to support...
Guide to help frontline medical workers cope better
Frontline medical workers are grappling with grief, loss of lives and stress on a daily basis. This is also taking a toll on their physical, emotional and mental well-being. While it’s important for them to take some time off so that they can unwind with their families. The shortage of staff and limited leaves does...