Cope with loneliness

How to cope with loneliness on New Year’s Eve

This year has been an emotionally draining experience for people who have lost a loved one. And as people gear up to usher in the New Year, many are still trying to cope with loneliness. Grief stricken and trying to stay afloat even when things around them seem to be falling apart. Dr Kedar Tilwe, consultant psychiatrist, Fortis Hospital Mulund and Hiranandani Hospital- Vashi suggests ways to help you cope better.

Here’s how to cope with loneliness, death or otherwise

You need to be aware of what is bringing you down, to help you deal with it better. You need to come to terms with your loss, and channelise your grief and express the emotions that are bringing you down. Here are a few tips that can help you overcome loneliness on New Year’s Eve.

  • Understand that you are not alone

Feelings of isolation, loneliness and emptiness can grip and torment a person during this phase. So, connect with family and close friends, who will be eager to share, and be there for you!

  • Re-channel your grief

Consider pursuing a hobby or learning a new skill. Try enlisting art and creativity to serve as a template for expressing your angst, rather than opting for unhealthy coping mechanisms.

  • Developing a sense of gratitude for what you have

When a person is grieving, it’s natural only to see what’s gone wrong. Hence, it’s important that you work on  changing that  perspective. Pen a letter of gratitude for all the things you are grateful for, as it helps with the healing. Share it with the concerned people if possible.

  • Express and share your feelings

Sharing and discussing memories of your loved ones whom you lost, with mutual friends and family over a video call will help share the grief  and reduce the emotional burden. Remember to cherish the good times you’ve shared together.

  • Seek help

Reach out to a mental health professional if you feel the need to do so, as grief counselling, supportive therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help deal with bereavement.