Pandemic pink slip: How to deal with it
The coronavirus pandemic has increasingly led to companies serving employees the pink slip to stay afloat. A job loss or job cut puts added financial stress on families that are already battling a lot of uncertainty. Deekshaa Athwani, clinical psychologist, Fortis Hospital, Mulund addresses this burning issue and also gives you a few tips to...
Five stages of grief: How people navigate it
The COVID-19 pandemic put the spotlight on living with trauma. It also led to many pondering about the five stages of grief and how we process our pain and loss. Psychiatrist Dr Sagar Mundada breaks it down for us. He shares, “When people are faced with any traumatic situation, they generally go through the five...
How to cope with loneliness on New Year’s Eve
This year has been an emotionally draining experience for people who have lost a loved one. And as people gear up to usher in the New Year, many are still trying to cope with loneliness. Grief stricken and trying to stay afloat even when things around them seem to be falling apart. Dr Kedar Tilwe,...
Why you are having negative relationship dreams
Are you constantly dreaming about a break-up with your partner? Do your relationship dreams have an underlying theme of abandonment and rejection? If yes, clinical psychologist Seema Hingorani goes on to explain why. Negative relationship dreams stem from a traumatic past According to Seema, people who generally have fears of abandonment and have gone through...
Death of a parent: Helping a child cope with the loss
Nothing can prepare you for the loss of a parent. Parents are the primary support system of a child. Hence, the death of a parent can be a traumatic experience for a child. Hence, it’s important to keep the emotional well-being of a child in mind while breaking this tragic news to them. Dr Sushma...
Teach your child how to stand up to a bully
Empower your child to stand up to a bully. Encourage him or her not to retaliate with violence and aggression but to firmly stand their ground. Clinical psychologist Seema Hingorani tells you how to prepare your child to deal with a bully. Identify signs of bullying to help your child stand up to a bully...
Helping your child cope with the loss of a pet
The death of a pet can be especially traumatic for children. Hence, it’s important that parents help the child deal with this grief effectively. Dr Sushma Mehrotra, Ph.D consulting clinical psychologist suggests ways in which you can help kids cope with the loss of a pet. Let your child grieve the loss of a pet...
How pet therapy can benefit mental health
Research has shown that animal-assisted therapy or pet therapy acts as a mood booster. It can also lessen depression and other serious mental health issues. Psychiatrist Parul Tank lists the other benefits of pet therapy in relation to mental health. Pet therapy is emotionally healing This is true for both kids and adults. Parul shares,...
Caring for someone with bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness where an individual experiences extreme mood swings – from high to low, and low to high. These phases of mania and depression eventually can also take a toll on a caregiver. What a caregiver should know about dealing with bipolar disorder Given the unpredictable nature of someone suffering from...
What is trauma, and how to deal with it
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on people’s mental health. The spike in disturbing data, news, images and videos has acted like a trigger for many. This has caused many people to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It’s a mental health condition triggered by a terrifying event, causing flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety....