• How to deal with defensive people

    Defensive people often tend to be argumentative. As a result, many of them are not open to views that contradict their own. They are likely to shut the doors on anyone who does not agree with them. As a result, this can hamper relationships. Here’s a guide to dealing with defensive individuals. Defensive people can...

  • How to overcome mental fatigue

    Work from home has led to many working professionals battling mental fatigue. As a result, there has been a spike in the number of people with high stress and anxiety levels. This can further lead to a physical and emotional breakdown. Hence, it’s important to look out for these troubling signs that can help you...

  • Why toxic positivity is bad for business

    Toxic positivity occurs when we try to suppress, minimise or ignore real negative emotions. Phrases like it will get better, you can change things by being positive are often used to suppress these negative thoughts or feelings. Being aware of this can help the workforce cope better with the negative emotions. Why toxic positivity is...

  • The pandemic’s toll on mental health

    COVID-19 has negatively impacted different aspects of our lives. However, a key area that’s often ignored is the pandemic’s toll on mental health. From contributing to increasing work stress and anxiety to affecting sleep quality and resulting in loss of motivation. Here’s looking at the negative impact of the pandemic on mental well-being, and what...