challenges couples are facing

Four challenges couples are facing and how to fix them

The lockdown has been a blessing for couples in stable relationships. Many who were not able to spend time with each other, now have more time to bond. However, it has also led to a lot of friction among couples in dysfunctional relationships. Psychiatrist Parul Tank lists the many challenges couples are facing and how to fix them.

Emotional challenges couples are facing

Couples in dysfunctional relationships are having more arguments. Due to COVID-19, many are working from home. Hence, they are spending more time with each other and the issues they were facing earlier are now becoming points of contention, leading to more friction. A lot of couples are feeling stifled.

If you are one of them, emotionally take time out from each other. Go for a walk or do your chores separately. Have a designated work space at home so that you get some alone time to focus on your work away from each other.

Financial challenges have become a major stressor

Many couples or one partner has lost their job. So, along with the emotional challenges, financial challenges have also become a cause of major stress.

To resolve this, couples are encouraged to be more supportive of one another. Avoid taunting your partner about their job situation and be financially wise and more restrained, spending only where necessary.

Being caregivers for their respective families

Some couples have had to move into their in-laws homes to care for them. As a result, some are facing issues as they have not been able to cope with the challenges posed by this change. This is mainly because all parties involved have their own way of doing things, and that has led to stressed relationships. In some cases, the couples are even on a brink of separation.

Try to address the issues in a mature way. Take professional help to address the issues you are dealing with.

Caring for kids and balancing household chores with work

In addition to work from home, couples have had to figure how to accommodate caring for kids who are now spending more time at home and household chores into their daily routine.

Division of tasks can help address this. Also, do certain tasks together so it’s  an equal burden on both.