• How to deal with defensive people

    Defensive people often tend to be argumentative. As a result, many of them are not open to views that contradict their own. They are likely to shut the doors on anyone who does not agree with them. As a result, this can hamper relationships. Here’s a guide to dealing with defensive individuals. Defensive people can...

  • Moving on and healing from a break-up

    Break-ups can take a toll on the physical and emotional well-being of an individual. The pain and loss of a relationship that has failed is immense. Healing from a break-up while difficult is possible as long as the individual learns to accept what has happened. Deekshaa Athwani, a clinical psychologist shares a few tips on...

  • Are you headed for a break-up?

    More often than not people are aware when a relationship is in trouble. Verbal cues are one way of figuring what’s going on. Examining your feelings is another way of determining if you are headed for a break-up. Deekshaa Athwani, a clinical psychologist tells you more. Signs that indicate you are headed for a break-up...

  • Is jealousy healthy in a relationship?

    Pop culture has often romanticised the emotion of jealousy. As a result, many are confused and keep coming back to the same question. Is jealousy healthy in a relationship? Dr Kedar Tilwe, consultant psychiatrist, Fortis Hospital Mulund and Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi, attempts to answer this question. When this emotion becomes a cause of concern Jealousy...

  • Are you ready for a new relationship?

    Valentine’s Day and the month of love puts added pressure on singles. Many of them try to fight odds to find love in a haste. However, it’s equally important to understand if you are ready for a new relationship. Dr Kedar Tilwe, consultant psychiatrist, Fortis Hospital Mulund and Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi, suggests five important questions...

  • Virtual interactions with loved ones can benefit your mental well-being

    Virtual interactions with loved ones has been the only way to stay connected during the pandemic.  The uncertainty of the lockdown and social distancing norms  has also limited interactions between families as travel restrictions were in place. Amidst this chaos, it is no surprise that many studies and statistics have led to the revelation that...

  • Tips to help couples strike a work-life balance

    As work from home becomes the new norm due to the pandemic it has led to many couples struggling to strike a work-life balance. Rather than fighting this change, accepting it and finding ways to adapt can help. Dr Kedar Tilwe psychiatrist Fortis Mulund & Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi, suggests some tips for couples to navigate...

  • Navigating interfaith marriages

    Interfaith marriages or mixed marriages are a great example of love and harmony. It adds a layer of diversity, and can grow into a beautiful bond over time. Despite the social and cultural differences, a couple committed to an interfaith marriage can learn to grow in such a relationship with love, communication and understanding. Psychologist...

  • Four challenges couples are facing and how to fix them

    The lockdown has been a blessing for couples in stable relationships. Many who were not able to spend time with each other, now have more time to bond. However, it has also led to a lot of friction among couples in dysfunctional relationships. Psychiatrist Parul Tank lists the many challenges couples are facing and how...

  • Opt for couples therapy for better communication

    Good communication is vital in a healthy relationship. Hence, it makes sense to opt for couples therapy for better communication.  It provides for emotional security where both partners feel like they are being heard and their concerns matter.  It also gives couples a feeling of validation and becomes the foundation on which a strong relationship...