Tips to build a resilient mind

Tips to build a resilient mind: A key to tackle mental health problems 

COVID-19 has triggered off a mental health crisis. As a result, many are facing financial and mental health problems. To survive the pandemic, it’s vital to build a resilient mind – the key to tackle mental health problems. Dr Payal Sharma Kamath, a psychiatrist  tells you how. She says, “Life is full of ups and downs. We all have our share of problems. COVID-19 has increased these difficulties. Whether it’s emotional, financial problems, physical insecurities or uncertainty about the future. However, there is a way out. You can deal with any adversity by building your resilience.

Tips to build a resilient mind

It’s important to work on some skills to develop a resilient mind and attitude. This can help you be strong in the face of all adversity.

  • Pay attention to your physical health

Following a proper diet, sleeping well and exercising on a day-to-day basis will make you feel better and help you respond better in all situations.

  • Don’t neglect your mental health

Stop over thinking. Often we spend a lot of time thinking about things that are not important. Hence, it’s vital to analyse when you are over thinking about things that do not really matter.

  • Have a purpose in life

Whether it’s a creative pursuit, a spiritual thing or simply showing kindness towards others. It’s vital to have a purpose in life.  This puts you in a good mood, and gives you an optimistic and positive way of thinking. This helps you develop a positive attitude towards life.

  • Keep a journal

Pen down your happy thoughts, incidents you encountered that made you feel good or things you are grateful for. At the same time, write about incidents that made you sad, left you disappointed you or made you angry. Analyse them. This will help you understand what’s going on in your head and how to address them.

  • Learn from the past

Don’t brood over your past mistakes, learn from them. Understand the decisions you made and the reasons for it and how the journey was. Learn from your mistakes, and try not to repeat them in the future.

  • Be a better narrator

Often we are overly critical and negative about ourselves, and view ourselves with a negative lens. It’s important to change that negative view to a positive one. View and narrate things with a positive tone. All of this can help us build a resilient mind and attitude, which is necessary to survive in an uncertain world.