How to make a new beginning in 2021
As we prepare to welcome a New Year, it’s vital we also try to make a new beginning in 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly changed the world, accelerating the shift from offline to online communications. The internet and how we use it to stay relevant in the current times has become a focus for both individuals and businesses. As this year comes to an end, it’s important for us to realign our thoughts and adopt a positive mindset in 2021. Arpita Bhandari, a Life Strategist, Transformation Facilitator and Founder of Arpita B Design Studio shares a few tips on how you can do this.
Make a new beginning in 2021
As the pandemic emerged our normal got uprooted and disintegrated. As things came to standstill, we were overwhelmed, anxious, angry, stressed and depressed causing immense discomfort because of altered daily routines, financial pressure and social isolation. Our fears and insecurity has further added to this, making us worry about the future. And while we still grapple with the uncertainties, this year was a welcoming door for self-discovery, appreciating what we all are blessed with, connecting and creating stronger bonds with our family, focusing on self-care, introspection and much more.
As the time is passing, we are slowly coming to grasp with the reality around us. All that ends badly isn’t really the end of it all. As humans, we have learned to face our obstacles and get through the troubling times. We can start by learning from the past, implementing it in the present for a better future.

How to realign yourself to make a fresh start
Positive thinking can elevate and energise you to progress and become a better person. Here are some ways that you can adapt to realign yourself and leave behind the past while you get ready for 2021 by imbibing and prioritising self-care of your mind, body and soul.
Tips to kickoff the New Year on a positive note
- Have a daily routine and stick to it.
- Respect every one’s private space, and give each other time to just be with themselves without intrusions.
- Take time out to appreciate the efforts of others and connect with the ones you don’t get to see for long periods of time.
- Expression of your thoughts and feelings to the near and dear ones to build stronger bonds.
- Being more genuine to yourself and the others around you.

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