• Coping with uncertainty: Seven ways to deal with it

    The pandemic has forced us to live in a constant state of flux. To survive, people all over the world have tried coping with uncertainty in their own way. Hirak Patel, counselling psychologist, Fortis Hospital, Mulund, shares a few tips that can help you make it through. Coping with uncertainty? Here’s how it can take...

  • Emergent resilience: Key to coping with stress

    The ‘new normal’ has led to new norms, protocols, lifestyle changes, and reprioritising of goals. Due to which our coping mechanism was stretched to its limits. As we adapt to this, the best way forward is to develop emergent resilience. It can help you cope better with stress, climate change and the pandemic. Know more...

  • 5 reasons why you need a ‘happy place’

    When down or out, you need a ‘happy place’ to turn to. It’s in times like these that most people seek comfort in a corner away from prying eyes. This space could be a beach, terrace, park, garden or just any place that gives you the privacy and solace you need. Deekshaa Athwani, clinical psychologist,...

  • Why you should separate your self-worth from your work

    Self-worth is the value we attach to ourselves. Many of us let our work, career graph, material wealth and status in society define our self-worth. However, it’s important to separate your self-worth from your work. Hirak Patel, counselling psychologist, Fortis Hospital, Mulund tells you why. Separate your self-worth from your work to be truly happy...

  • How to overcome mental fatigue

    Work from home has led to many working professionals battling mental fatigue. As a result, there has been a spike in the number of people with high stress and anxiety levels. This can further lead to a physical and emotional breakdown. Hence, it’s important to look out for these troubling signs that can help you...

  • Benefits of yoga on mental health

    During these uncertain times, it’s important to take care of your physical, emotional and mental well-being. If you are at peace, chances are negative influences will not disturb your mind easily. Practicing yoga and mindfulness can help. Benefits of yoga include keeping your mind and body in sync, and helping you stay positive and happy....

  • How to deal with new mom separation anxiety

    New moms often battle separation anxiety on returning to work. Working mothers often struggle to strike a balance between their work and personal life. This also leads to a lot of guilt at times, causing distress. Understanding new mum separation anxiety Becoming a mother comes with its own cherished moments and stress. It also comes...

  • Why toxic positivity is bad for business

    Toxic positivity occurs when we try to suppress, minimise or ignore real negative emotions. Phrases like it will get better, you can change things by being positive are often used to suppress these negative thoughts or feelings. Being aware of this can help the workforce cope better with the negative emotions. Why toxic positivity is...

  • The pandemic’s toll on mental health

    COVID-19 has negatively impacted different aspects of our lives. However, a key area that’s often ignored is the pandemic’s toll on mental health. From contributing to increasing work stress and anxiety to affecting sleep quality and resulting in loss of motivation. Here’s looking at the negative impact of the pandemic on mental well-being, and what...

  • 6 tips to overcome loss of motivation

    Motivation is the key that pushes you into taking action and keeps you moving each day. However, due to work-from-home stress, many working professionals are less motivated and tend to procrastinate. This affects overall work productivity. Deekshaa Athwani, clinical psychologist, Fortis Hospital, Mulund tells you how to overcome loss of motivation. Key to regain control...